1) Imagine a chess game with no queens but instead with 4 kings.
2) Imagine a chess game with no kings but instead with 4 queens.
The game of chess is based on the royal wedding relationship between a man and a woman. I have indeed played a game or two with substitute pieces in my day. If I were missing a pawn, a checker may have taken its place. I'm not saying that roles cannot be filled by others. The question is, "How well can these roles be filled by others?"
Just as I may use a checker to represent a pawn in the game of chess, someone else may fill the role of wife with a man or husband with a woman. However, as in the case of the checker in the chess game, there is noticeably something awry with the man filling the wife's role and the woman filling the husband's role.
Clearly if there are 4 kings on the chess board and no queens, the game is hardly a remnant of the traditional game of chess. The 2 major power pieces have been removed and replaced by second equally weak, needy, and prone-to-peril kings. Similarly if there are 4 queens on the chessboard and no kings, the game is just as disimilar to the traditional game of chess. With no kings to protect, with significantly more power in the addition of queens, there is no longer a point to the game in the absence of the king to be protected.
Even more complex imagine a game with 2 white queens and 2 black kings or vice-versa. Opponents would be playing one overburdened with protection and little power while the other is ladened with a powerhouse and no concern for protection. Clearly these opponents will not be playing the same game.
One would be hard pressed to even call these scenarios a chess game.
With such a round peg into the square hole scenario, it seems only too elementary to say that nature itself rejects homosexuality. The rules for traditional chess will need to be rewritten, and depending on the gender of choice, not only must strategy be redivised, a completely new purpose must be invented. Ultimately, if homosexual marriage is to be allowed, then by design and practice, it cannot be "traditional" marriage. One would be hard pressed to even call the potential scenarios marriage.