Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Unborn into Slavery

I am a modern-day abolitionist. 

I have considered authoring a dystopian society book in which various social issues are resolved (human trafficking, abortion, and some situations of poverty) by marking babies to be delivered as abortees and then upon exit from the womb selling these living, non-humans into various forms of slavery. 

The institution of slavery in our history has marred the human past most notably in the pre-Revolutionary War to Civil War period in the present United States of America.  While slavery officially ended, we still struggle with the definition of humanity and rights.  These questions of equality were not resolved with the Civil War nor with the Civil Rights Movement.

When I entertain the notion that there is no God and that we are the result of random, evolutionary events, I have to question the very core of humanity.  What does it really mean to be human?  Why do we have rules of etiquette?  What institutions are critical to our existence and which are trivial?  Why is it that slavery is wrong?

The founders of our nation struggled with some of these questions since society at that time accepted slavery.  They wrestled with their consciences and finally succumbed to societal peer pressure.  Many of our founding fathers admitted, in dying, their regret for this decision.

With recent videos being released depicting leaders of Planned Parenthood describing the intentional alteration of the abortion process to protect and harvest certain organs from the unborn fetuses, similar to the dystopian society slavery I've imagined in my atheist/evolution-driven thinking, the unborn are clearly our slaves.  The question that remain for us today is clear.  Will we succumb to the societal peer pressure that encourages us to enslave the unborn or will we have the courage to defend and free the slaves?