Why is it that God seems to have changed from being so judgmental in the OT and so forgiving in the NT? I struggled with this question for a few years until I studied more of God's nature and how He has revealed Himself through scripture.
In the OT, God instructed us in various ways and by a variety of people what He desires. Micah says it this way, "Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God," (Micah 6:6-8). I would suggest that as we fulfill the 3rd part of this (walking humbly with our God), the other 2 come naturally.
The Israelites spent their time pursuing other gods. While these other gods had several names, we can better understand these gods as the pursuit of sensuality, pleasure, materialism, and self fulfillment. The pursuit of these 4 gods leads us to treat others with disregard. Ultimately, this leads one to be unjust in our dealings with others, to be unkind to other people, and to be arrogant with respect to God.
Jesus summed up the prophets and the Law with these 2 basic commandments: 1) Love God and 2) Love People. How can we love people until we love God? How can we love God until we know God? How can we know God until we study His word and learn His character? In reality, Jesus' message was no different than that of the OT. So what should we expect if we do not follow His instruction?
In today's society, we are still pursuing the same false gods as the Israelites. While God is patient and forgiving, He will bring every action into judgment.
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