Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Positional Advantage

While a material advantage is easily identified, a positional advantage is not.  In the game of chess, one gains a positional advantage by much deeper and subtle strategy than is generally employed to gain a material advantage.  These are sometimes gained by the sacrifice of a pawn or piece.  It is easy to tell if your opponent has a material advantage, but it is not so easy to tell when your opponent has a positional advantage.  Just as with a material advantage, you must make calculated moves in line with the ultimate goal in order to capitalize on a positional advantage.  Without careful planning, you will squander your positional advantage, and whatever sacrifice you made to gain it will be for naught.

In order to gain a positional advantage in life, you also may need to make short-term sacrifices.  You may need to work part-time to go back to school, so you can get to a new position at work.  Maybe you need to cut back pizza and soda, so you can get into a different position physically.  Perhaps, you will need to spend some time investigating deep spiritual truths to find your position metaphysically.  Whatever the case, make up your mind to do whatever it takes to gain the positional advantage you need, and then be certain not to squander it.