Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pointing to vs Pointing at

In the evangelical church during my short lifetime, it seems that we have focused on pointing out the flaws of sinful life. 

"Don't do this, that, or the other." 
"You don't want to wind up like that."
"Look at the way she is dressed."

Instead of pointing at the problems in the world, we are to be pointing to the One who can resolve those problems, Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What does your FB say about you?

Is my life the sum total of my facebook statuses and comments?
Is facebook the window to my life as the eye is the window to the soul?

In a day and age when we are so compartmentalized, individualistic, and private, what is it that we share in the social networking realms of cyberspace with these so called "friends"? 

Just 10 years ago, it was popular to hear that one could determine what another's priorities were simply by reviewing one's calendar and checkbook.  Now, I believe, it is no longer necessary to know another person well enough to have that kind of access.  In today's world of rapidly advancing mass personal communication (not just media), each person is pushing his or her own private agenda; whether conscious or no, you are constantly and definitively declaring what is most important to you post-by-post.

My life IS the sum total of my facebook statuses and comments.
Facebook IS the window to my life.

So, what DOES your FB say about you?