Sunday, September 19, 2010

Obedience and Subjection to Authority

We, as adults, do not tend to obey traffic laws.  I cannot tell you how many times I've prepared to cross the street, waiting on the "Walk" sign, when a crowd of people stroll right through the "Don't Walk" sign.  Rules are for other people.  We have the ability to look both ways and take care of ourselves, so we don't need to follow the rules.  Consider the speed limit (or suggestion), the yield sign, the red lights, etc.

Why is it that we as a nation expect our children to obey us, their teachers, or other authority figures? 

God says, "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God," Romans 13:1.

Am I living in obedience to God's commands?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Learning Christian

Learning to speak to God and learning to live like a believer are very similar to learning to speak a foreign language.

One must hear how native speakers sound and listen to how sounds and words are formed and combined.
--One must read the scriptures and spend time with others who are following God.

One must attempt to attempt to speak and make one's own words and sounds alone and with a one-on-one tutor.
--One must make a personal effort alone to pray and seek God alone and with a mentor or discipleship partner, working through decisions with wise counsel.

One must continue to practice constantly with others who do speak the language.  Further development is impossible without constant, continual, concerted practice. 
--One must consistently pray and seek God individually, one-on-one, in small groups, and in large groups. 

One must practice reading and writing to follow on to proficiency.
--One must continually study scripture and begin teaching others.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

American Bodies and Bank Accounts

We have too much on our plates, and we stretch our dollars too thin.

We Americans treat our bodies like we should treat our bank accounts and our bank accounts like we should treat our bodies:

* Too many deposits and not enough withdrawals for the body

* Too many withdrawals and not enough deposits for our bank accounts