CFM Week 12

Max Lucado said, "A man who wishes to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd."  I love this analogy to being not just a Christian leader, but also a Christian at all.  Christ has called us to be salt and light in a world that is bland and dark.  If you and I as believers are to fulfill this command, we must turn our backs on the world's way of doing things (remember James 1:27, keep one's self unstained by the world).  Jesus was the greatest example of rejecting the world's way.  Jesus was like no one else.

Week 12 - Like No Other

Have you caught yourself this week following the crowd?  Has God convicted you to take a stand against popular opinion?
 Have you found yourself missing out on the presence of God as you pursue your own release?  Has God provided what you needed in some way this week?
Job 40:1-5 (NASB)
1 Then the LORD said to Job,
2 “Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?
Let him who reproves God answer it.”

3 Then Job answered the LORD and said,
4 “Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You?
I lay my hand on my mouth.
5 “Once I have spoken, and I will not answer;
Even twice, and I will add nothing more.”
Have you ever found yourself questioning God?  If anyone had a purpose or right to question God (from a human perspective), it would have been Job.  After Chapter 1 family and possession bankruptcy and Chapter 2 health bankruptcy, Job doesn’t deny God.  He suffers through the assaults of his friends (friendship bankruptcy), and is perplexed at why God would allow these awful things to happen to Him.  Ultimately, Job never gets the answer, though we know that it was really all about Job’s life being a testimony to God’s faithfulness.  Satan claimed that Job didn’t really love God, but ultimately, Job proved to be God’s friend and follower even through hard times. 
Job did ask God “Why?”, and God spoke directly to Job.  His answer more than once and in more than one way was, “Job don’t you know Me?”  I am like no one else.  I am the Almighty.  God gives very specific examples of how much greater He is than Job.  He mentions laying the foundation of the earth, creating wild beasts, birds, aquatic sea monsters, and dinosaur and dragon like creatures.  Did Job really expect to contend with the King of heaven?
While it’s easy to look at the story of Job and notice how foolish Job was for questioning God, in our lives, we do the same thing.  We fret over insignificant, temporal things while God is on the throne of eternity.  We whine and complain about trivial discomforts, when God has redeemed our eternal souls from hell.  I wonder how often God would speak these words to us in our generation, “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?  Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will ask you, and you instruct Me,” Job 38:3.


Week 12 Daily Readings

Read John 6:59-71.  The Christian life, much like Jesus’ ministry, is not all roses and red carpets.  Jesus had some hard things to say.  Many of those who had been following Him turned away at this point.  Much like a fair weather fan in sports, you’ll find fair weather Christians – those who will claim to be followers of Christ as long as it costs them nothing.  The critical thing for us is to realize just as Peter proclaims, ‘Where else would we go, Lord?  Only You have the words of eternal life.  There is no one else like You.’  Are you willing to follow Jesus even in the tough times?  Think of a situation in which you personally have or have seen someone else follow God’s direction when many others turned away.
Read John 7:40-53.  The Pharisees sent soldiers to take Jesus away, but it wasn’t God’s appointed time.  Fascinating, when asked why the soldiers hadn’t followed the orders, they responded that Jesus’ speech was unique.  ‘Never has anyone spoken like this Man.’  They were intrigued by Jesus’ mannerisms.  Even the Gentiles recognized that something was different about Jesus; He was special.  There are religions out there that will falsely lead you to believe that Jesus was just a good man, perhaps a great teacher or a prophet.  Make no mistake, those who met Jesus knew that He was anything but just another guy.  He was different.  Do you recognize Him in your life?  Is He special to you?  Do you find yourself pondering the depths of His glory and wanting to share them with others?
Read Luke 8:22-25.  “Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?”   When was the last time you were impressed with God’s power?  When was the last time He amazed you with His miraculous deeds?  God is always working; if we are watching and seeking Him, we’ll have the opportunity to see and even participate in His purposes and plans.  Has Jesus calmed the seas in your life?  I like the Scott Krippayne song which says, “Sometimes He calms the storm; with a whisper, ‘Peace be still’; He can settle any sea; but it doesn’t mean He will.  Sometimes He holds us close; and lets the wind and waves go wild.  Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child.”  He has the ability to remove all your troubles, but perhaps He wants you to walk through them depending on Him.
Read Hebrews 9.  Earlier this week, we said that Jesus is physically unique.  Today and tomorrow, we read how Jesus is spiritually unique.  Christ came to fulfill the Law, which taught us right and wrong, and it provided a temporary redemption.  Christ came as the perfection of the Law, He was the eternal redemption.  Just as the High Priest would have entered the holy of holies in the temple with a blood sacrifice first for himself and then for the nation, Jesus entered the spiritual tabernacle with no need of an offering for Himself, He offered His own righteous blood.  At His death, the veil of the temple separating God from man was torn in two, and Jesus became our mediator to the Father.  The facsimiles are no longer necessary.  When making a purchase, you may use a catalog to order, but once the object has arrived, you no longer need the catalog photo; you’ve got the real thing.  You no longer need religion, Jesus is the real life.
Read Hebrews 10:1-25.  The old religion is impotent.  The Law was merely a 2-dimensional representation of the true life that God desired and planned for us.  Jesus is that life.  Do you still find yourself trapped in a “do this, don’t do that”, mindset?  If so, you are not living in the freedom that Christ has given you.  God wants us to enjoy living in His will.  He promises that He will put His Laws on our hearts, and write them on our minds.  This is to overwrite what is already existent.  This will become our natural guide to decision making.  Live and walk in that freedom.