Sunday, August 28, 2011


I recently finished the book Radical by David Platt, and it is a very compelling book, challenging the Christian reader to question whether we are serving the God of the Bible or the God that our American culture has created for us.  One of the topics that he addresses is what I'll denote as "worshopping". 

Here in the US, where Christianity costs us nothing, where persecution consists of a funny look on a bad day, and where we live under the prosperity gospel, Christians tend to "shop" for a church that is right for them - one that meets their needs.  We visit around seeking a church that has just the right music program; preacher; children's service; building, building program, or lack of one; recovery ministry, education program; etc.  We don't worship the Living God, we "worshop" for a church that represents the God we have created in our image.

How do we change this Christian cultural norm? 
Let's get real with God.  Let's seek His heart and His desires.

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